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Five facts about artificial intelligence you didn’t know!
2024-04-22 16:20

Artificial intelligence (AI), as a new technology, is booming due to its logistics capabilities. From IT to medical and even more fields, artificial intelligence can work efficiently.

While we already know many of the AI tools and how they work around these industries, there are still some interesting AI facts that we may not yet know. This article will list 5 unknown facts about artificial intelligence!

1. Artificial intelligence has been around since 1956

Yes, that's right. Over the past few years, we have been paying attention to artificial intelligence. Still, none of us are sure whether this concept and research was first discussed at a scientific conference at Dartmouth College by Sir John McCarthy, known as the father of artificial intelligence.

2. Artificial intelligence will create 12 million jobs

Artificial intelligence will not be a threat to humans, on the contrary, it will make humans' jobs easier. The statement that "artificial intelligence will replace jobs" is obviously wrong. It will create 12 million jobs, not replace them. What we need to do is improve our skills and knowledge in using artificial intelligence tools in our own fields.

Many industries have already begun implementing artificial intelligence in their businesses, services, and technologies.

According to the February 2024 report, 22% of companies have begun to use artificial intelligence, 33% of companies partially use artificial intelligence, and 45% of companies are still exploring the contribution of artificial intelligence to their industries.

3. The launch of artificial intelligence pet robots

According to research, artificial intelligence pet robots are expected to be launched in the next few years, just like the launch of human robots was heard a few years ago. Likewise, we can also expect the introduction of artificial intelligence pet robots in the next few years! These robots will have all the functions of natural wild pets.

So, what’s the use of an AI pet robot? It will eliminate the owner’s tasks, such as bathing and taking them to the vet.

4. AI can repair damaged old photos

This is an interesting fact. We may only have a limited collection of photos from decades ago, before smartphones or backup photo systems. Instead, we've collected albums from the '70s, '80s, '90s, and early 2000s.

Those damaged photos have some broken parts. In addition, the artificial intelligence tool "Image Painting" developed by NVIDIA was also introduced to give life to these photos. It uses its own algorithms to recolor and pixelate old photos.

5. The number of users of AIchatGPT reached 1 million on the fifth day after its launch.

Within 5 days of the release of the latest artificial intelligence tool Chatgpt, 1 million users were using it!

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is a revolutionary takeover. Knowing this, we can move forward quickly and keep up with its development trajectory. Explore the above facts about artificial intelligence to help with its predictions and updates.